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Sarab jī▫ā ka▫o ḏevaṇhārā....
He is the Giver of all souls...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 106)

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Sikhism - the path of spiritual life
Bhai MohinderSingh GNSSJ.jpg Watch this video (8 mins long) in English by Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh UK, chairman of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha. The speech is about Sikhism and its concepts - "We are all children of one God.....here to correct ourselves..." .....Watch, listen, read & ponder...
Tu mera pita tu hae mera mata
Sikhroot logo sml.jpg This beautiful Shabad on page 103 of Guru Granth Sahib is by Guru Arjan Dev. It is sang in a modern musical setting by Bibi Tej Kaur. The shabad is: You are my father and my mother..... my guardian so why should I be anxious? .....Listen, read & enjoy...

Sikhi FAQ...

Q. Can Sikhs have tattoos?
FAQ-sml.jpg A. I don't believe there is anything directly written against or in favour of tattoos in the Sikh scriptures. Tattoos can be grouped with "extreme make-up" which the Guru calls "decorations" and I ask you.. .....More
Amrit Kaur Becomes Head of a Leading Interfaith Body in Washington
Amrit-225x300_0.jpg A Sikh woman, Ms. Amrit Kaur, became the President of the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington recently when this body, representing 11 world religions and various judicatories, elected her as the president for a two-year term..... → read more

Aged NRI Dr Avtar Singh showed an exemplary way to others to celebrate birthday. The NRI came all the way from the USA to celebrate his 80th birthday by sponsoring an eye camp at Raipur Pir Bux Wala, a remote village of Kapurthala...... → read more

Anger really can kill you, U.S. study shows
anger-225x300.jpg Anger and other strong emotions can trigger potentially deadly heart rhythms in certain vulnerable people and this impact in the heart's electrical system can lead to sudden death, U.S. researchers said on Monday...... → read more
Sikh Teen’s documentary to screen in Hollywood
RootsANDwings.jpg A documentary film by the Teen Sikh filmmaker, Angad Singh will screen as one of the top family oriented films from around the world, selected for the International Family Film Festival (IFFF), to be held in Hollywood, California, this weekend...... → read more
UNITED SIKHS 'Feed the Hungry' Campaign
UnitedSikhsCampaign-sml.jpg "Under the "Feed the Hungry" campaign, UNITED SIKHS will work with Gurdwaras, to feed and clothe the needy from all communities around the world. To date 10 Gurdwaras in Ontario have agreed to participate in this campaign" .....read more
Vitabiotics - a better pill to swallow
Lalvani-225x300.jpg After years of slow and steady growth, Dr Kartar Lalvani has turned Vitabiotics into a market leader. He tells us how - When in 1971, he founded Vitabiotics in London , it was the UK's only specialist vitamin supplement company...... → read more
Sikh Pilot Saves Lives of 150 Passengers
Mumbai.jpg A split-second decision taken by an Air India pilot, Captain S S Kohli to abort a take-off helped avert a horrifying collision with helicopter of President Pratibha Patil's at Mumbai airport on Monday morning...... → read more

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