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Sarab jī▫ā ka▫o ḏevaṇhārā....
He is the Giver of all souls...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 106)
Saas saas simroh Gobind
Nirmal Singh sml.jpg Watch this beautiful video of this shabad by Guru Arjan Dev on page 295 of the Guru Granth Sahib in Raag Gauree - "With each and every breath, meditate in remembrance on Gobind (God); the anxiety within your mind shall depart.". .....Watch, listen, read & enjoy...
Prabh seeo laag rahou maera cheeth
Bibi Bhinderpal Kaur 2 sml.jpg This wonderful Shabad on page 682 by Guru Arjan Dev is beautifully sang in AKJ kirtan style by ragi, Bibi Bhinderpal Kaur. "O'Lord, forever be attached to my heart. At all times, God is my helper and companion; great is my friend'". .....Listen, read & enjoy...
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