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Karmī karmī ho▫e vīcẖār....
By their deeds and their actions,
they shall be judged...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 7)

In Punjab - drug addicts’ kids get a chance
gurmukhkaur-khalsa948.jpg Maqboolpura, a slum on the outskirts of the Indian city Amritsar is known as a “place of widows,” because the multitude of drug addicts there that die from their fatal habit leave behind traumatised spouses and children...... → read more
Third US Sikh-Catholic Dialogue Retreat
Sikh-catholic001.jpg Representatives of the World Sikh Council and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops met May 29-31, 2009 at St. Therese’s Retreat Center in Columbus, Ohio for a three-day bilateral inter-religious conference...... → read more
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
Australian_protests_2009.jpg Activists from an Indian political group shout slogans during a protest against attacks on Indian students, in New Delhi on June 4. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Wednesday warned Indian students..... → read more
eco-thumb.jpg The Sikh Five Year Plan is the next historic step in the Sikh communities' commitment to walk faithfully alongside the rest of Creation into a future which they believe they can make both better and greener..... → read more
Operation Blue Star: 25 years on
Sunny_hundal_sml.jpg A quarter of a century ago today, Sikhs all over the world watched in horror as news came in that the Indian government had invaded the Golden Temple, or Harmandir Sahib as it's traditionally known, in Amritsar, Punjab...... → read more
Letter sent by SGPC dated June 2 1984
Sgpc logo.jpg Here is produced a copy of the historical letter sent by Sardar Gurcharan Singh Tohra, the then President of the SGPC to Indira Gandhi on 2 June 1984, the day after the assault on the Golden Temple complex .....read more
Singh: the Peanut Prince of Argentina
Simmar-1m.jpg The envy of the Argentines is Sardar Simmar Pal Singh. He cultivates 12,000 hectares of peanut and another 5,000 hectares of soya and corn in Rio Cuarto area in Cordoba province, about 1,000 km from Buenos Aires. .....read more

Sun naha prabha jeeo ekhalaree baan maahay
Sun nah prabka jeeo.jpg Watch this beautiful video of this very touching shabad by Guru Nanak in Raag Gauri - "O Listen my beloved Husband: Alone, I am in the wilderness. How can I survive without You, O my Carefree Husband? ". .....Watch, listen, read & enjoy...

Oulahno maa kahoo n dheo
Guru Arjan accepts Will.jpg In this Shabad on page 978, Guru Arjan who walked onto a hot plate accepting the Will of the Lord's Hukam says "Oulahno, Oulahno - Complaints, complaints I have none, Your Will appears sweet to my mind". Sang in Atamras kirtan style .....Listen, read & enjoy...

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Sikhi FAQ...

Q. Can Sikhs have tattoos?
FAQ-sml.jpg A. I don't believe there is anything directly written against or in favour of tattoos in the Sikh scriptures. Tattoos can be grouped with "extreme make-up" which the Guru calls "decorations" and I ask you.. .....More