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Sarab jī▫ā ka▫o ḏevaṇhārā....
He is the Giver of all souls...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 106)

Sikh MP shames Parliament on Bluestar awards
Tarlochan Singh.jpg Sikh MP Tarlochan Singh, the former chairman of National Commission for Minorities in India, asked why were gallantry awards given to Indian Army officers after Operation Bluestar. "They were given because they had killed Sikhs," .....read more
More Sikhs arrive for Ranjit Singh’s anniversary
Sikhs arrive for MRS's barsi.png A group of 105 Sikh yatris (pilgrims) arrived by a special train on Sunday to observe the 170th death anniversary of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. ETPB Additional Secretary, Siddique Khurram and GPCP member Sardar Sham Singh received the yatris at the Wagha Railway Station .....read more
U.S. Police Chiefs Reaffirm Acceptance of 5Ks
YubaCity-THUMB.jpg Police Chief Richard Doscher confirmed: "We have no policy which precludes an employee of the Sikh faith from wearing a turban or beard (or possession of a kirpan) during their employment with us."..... → read more
Sikhs Challenge U.S. Army's Ban on Turbans
kalsi-THUMB.jpg Kalsi and Second Lt. Tejdeep Singh Rattan, are the centerpieces of an advocacy campaign launched by the Sikh Coalition as it tries to persuade the US Army to let them serve without sacrificing their articles of faith..... → read more
In Punjab - drug addicts’ kids get a chance
gurmukhkaur-khalsa948.jpg Maqboolpura, a slum on the outskirts of the Indian city Amritsar is known as a “place of widows,” because the multitude of drug addicts there that die from their fatal habit leave behind traumatised spouses and children...... → read more

Sun naha prabha jeeo ekhalaree baan maahay
Sun nah prabka jeeo.jpg Watch this beautiful video of this very touching shabad by Guru Nanak in Raag Gauri - "O Listen my beloved Husband: Alone, I am in the wilderness. How can I survive without You, O my Carefree Husband? ". .....Watch, listen, read & enjoy...

Oulahno maa kahoo n dheo
Guru Arjan accepts Will.jpg In this Shabad on page 978, Guru Arjan who walked onto a hot plate accepting the Will of the Lord's Hukam says "Oulahno, Oulahno - Complaints, complaints I have none, Your Will appears sweet to my mind". Sang in Atamras kirtan style .....Listen, read & enjoy...

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Q. Can Sikhs have tattoos?
FAQ-sml.jpg A. I don't believe there is anything directly written against or in favour of tattoos in the Sikh scriptures. Tattoos can be grouped with "extreme make-up" which the Guru calls "decorations" and I ask you.. .....More