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Karmī karmī ho▫e vīcẖār....
By their deeds and their actions,
they shall be judged...
(Quote from the Guru Granth Sahib page 7)

2009 SikhNet Youth Film Festival Winners Announced!
ff-thumb.jpg Although there was often a clear first place winner in a category, the race between the second and third place films was often very close and the judges enthusiastically discussed the merits of the films in contention for those awards...... → read more
1.4 Million New Jersey Students to Learn About Sikhs
sikhcoalition-THUMB.jpg The New Jersey State Board of Education (NJBOE) voted to adopt a statewide curriculum standard that includes Sikhism last week. The adoption also marks the first time the Coalition has worked with the community....... → read more
Punjabi to be Canada's 4th biggest language by 2011
JasonKenney.jpg Punjabi is set to become the fourth largest spoken language in Canada by 2011 after English, French and Chinese, according to Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. The minister made the announcement Friday night....... → read more
Kanwar Singh's Newest Painting Unveiled
maibhago-THUMB.jpg Kanwar Singh's long awaited painting of Mata Bhag Kaur was finally unveiled at the New York City Sikh Art and Film Gala. Over the next few months it will be exhibited across North America and the UK. Mai Bhago, survivor of the battle of Khidrana..... → read more
Dr. Bhai Singh & the legendary Babaji
Baba puran singh-gt-sq.jpg
The late Sant Puran Singh ji was a Saint who lived outside the Indian subcontinent and was well aware of the difficulties, constraints and intrepidations that arise whilst living in alien culture and societies. Babaji demonstrated that....... → read more
Parmukh Singh Hoogan only Sikh MP in Tanzania
parmukhsingh-THUMB.jpg During Summer 2009, I visited Tanzania to attend a Sikh wedding. Where we enjoyed the beautiful weather and the hospitality of Tanzanian people, we also had the opportunity to meet our cousin Mr. Parmukh Singh Hoogan, the only Sikh MP in Tanzania...... → read more
Maharani Sahiba: Mover & Shaker
Preneet Kaur, India's Minister of State for External Affairs has taken decisive action and created a precedent by sending almost a dozen officials to Italy and setting up special camps there to help Italy's migrants mostly Sikhs from Punjab..... → read more
Redemption ... Amidst The Drug Wars
gurmeet-THUMB.jpg During my trip to Punjab this past summer, Dr. Balwant Singh Sekhon arranged for my teenage son, Angad Singh and I to visit the Akal De-addiction Center at Cheema in district Sangrur, Punjab. "Biba Ji," he said to me, "you should visit and write about the drug issue in Punjab"...... → read more

thin kee sobhaa kiaa ganee jinee har har ladhhaa
Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpuri-sml.jpg Watch this video (7.24 mins long) of beautiful Shabad in AKJ style by ragi Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpuri How can I estimate the glory of those, who have found the Lord, Har, Har? . .....Read,    watch, listen & ponder...

Har ka bilovna bilovo mera bhai
Kamalcontact-s.jpg This is a shabad by Bhagat Kabir in simple Punjabi sang gently by a new Ragi to SikhiWiki, Bibi Kamaljit Kaur Churn the churn of the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny. Churn it steadily, so that the essence is not lost.... .....Listen, read & enjoy...