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Vegetarianism: We should not increase our burden of karmas, by eating higher life forms. There is karmic value in every kind of thing we use in this world. The air we use, the water we use, we have to pay for. The light of the sun or moon is also not free, and this green grass is also to be paid for -- nothing is free. Everything has a Karmic value. Depending on the "Jun" (life-form), there is a price to be paid. Lower life forms have a lower price to pay. Plants have a lower spiritual price than animal life forms. So why take the higher burden?

If you are to make a house, you don't make it of gold or silver or jewels. If you can, you make the house of stone - Stone is very strong and cheap -- So, why don't you make the house of stone and brick instead of gold? Continued.....

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Turban sikh.jpg

Turban is closely associated with Sikhism. Sikhism is the only religion in the world in which wearing a turban is mandatory. Vast majority of people who wear turbans in the Western countries are Sikhs. The Sikh pagdi (ਪਗੜੀ)(turban) is also called dastaar (ਦਸਤਾਰ), which is a more respectful word in Punjabi for the turban. Sikh's are famous for their distinctive turbans. The turban represents respectability, and is a sign of nobility. Guru Gobind Singh gave all of his Sikhs turbans to recognize the the high moral status that the Khalsa has to adhere to. Continued.....

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Women in Sikhism: In Sikhism, the Sikh women are regarded as equal with men and have all the rights and privileges enjoyed by men. The woman is considered to have the same soul as man and has equal right to grow spiritually. The Sikh woman is allowed to lead religious congregations, to take part in Akhand Path (the continuous recitation of the Holy Scriptures), to perform Kirtan, to work as Granthi (priest) or a preacher and to participate freely in all religious, cultural, social, political and secular activities. Continued.....