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Sahibzada Ajit Singh asking for blessings from his father, Guru Gobind Singh

Sahibzada Ajit Singh (11 February 1687 - 7 December 1705), the eldest of four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, was born to Mata Jito ji (also known as Mata Sundari ji) at Paonta sahib on 11 February 1687. The following year, Guru Gobind Singh returned with the family to Anandpur sahib where Ajit Singh was brought up in the approved Sikh style.

He was taught the religious texts, philosophy and history, and had training in the martial arts such as riding, swordsmanship, gatka and archery. He grew up to be a handsome young man, strong, intelligent and a natural leader of people. Soon after the creation of the Khalsa on 30 March 1699, he had his first test of skill. A group of Sikhs (sangat) coming from Pothohar, northwest Punjab, was attacked and looted on the way by the Ranghars of Nuh, a short distance from Anandpur across the River Sutlej.

Guru Gobind Singh sent Sahibzada Ajit Singh, barely 12 years of age then, to that village to intervene, defend the sangat and deal with the intruders. Ajit Singh at the head of 100 Sikhs reached there on 23 May 1699, punished the Ranghars and recovered the looted property. .....More

Picture Feature
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Have you ever traveled to a city and wondered if there was a Gurdwara in the area? The SikhNet team has been working on a cool new project, with the help of Ad.WRIGHT. This is an exciting new service which will enable you to visually find Gurdwaras all around the world. You can search for locations and add your own Gurdwara to the map too. Read more .....


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Did you know...

  • .....that the Sikhs believe that all life, including human life, comes from God. God is the Creator of the universe and the force that keeps it in existence.
  • .....that for the Sikhs, the final goal of life is to reunite or merge with God (Mukti). The Sikh Gurus taught that to achieve this goal it was important to work hard at developing positive human qualities which lead the soul closer to God.
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February 2006

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February 2006
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  • In this version of SikhiWiki, started at 17:08 on 23 Feb 2005, we are currently working on 6,358 articles.
  • These articles contains many new images which help bring home clearly the message of our Gurus.
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