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Many thanks for the link. I am at Mama ji's place today and we do not have support for youtube/video on the ubuntu machine here . I will watch the video tomorrow when at home. Regards, [[user:hari singh|Hari Singh]]<sup>[[User talk:Hari singh|talk]]</sup> 02:11, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
Many thanks for the link. I am at Mama ji's place today and we do not have support for youtube/video on the ubuntu machine here . I will watch the video tomorrow when at home. Regards, [[user:hari singh|Hari Singh]]<sup>[[User talk:Hari singh|talk]]</sup> 02:11, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
Many thanks for the link; I have watched the video with amazement. It is difficult to believe that the Punjab government can support a person who gives the impression of being holy but fails to follow Gurmat as instilled by Gurbani. 
==Dasam Granth==
Veer ji, {{SSA}}
Its not a lecture; its only my views on this issue keeping in mind the bigger mission of Sikhiwiki. I do not believe that it is right for us to discuss matters that need thorough investigation without the proper evidence - Someone needs to research the matter properly and in great detail; we need the backing of several experts before we can accept the point. Specialists in the various fields need to be involved in the process. You may have your own reasons but that should not decide the matter; the correct way is to do scientific and linguistic analysis of the documents; historians and scientists need to be engaged, etc. We need to reach a consensus; an agreement by the experts in the panth. These experts should be unbiased and true only to Gurmat - then we will get a lasting result - otherwise the result will not be satisfactory.
We are not a research site as such and do not have the resources required to do the in-depth study of the historic documents. If you would like to discuss matter, the discussion pages are available and we should make use of these but without clear evidence backed with scientific or historic facts, we should be slow to come to any conclusions.
Many thanks for your input. Veer ji, please do not take this as a criticism but as words of advice and words for moderation and calmness. Remember that our mission is to promote the words of our great Gurus; not get bogged down in disputes - so our mission is a very great mission - let us not get distracted and continue to walk towards our ultimate goal! Kind regards, [[user:hari singh|Hari Singh]]<sup>[[User talk:Hari singh|talk]]</sup> 14:37, 20 December 2009 (UTC)

Revision as of 08:37, 20 December 2009

ਜਿਸ੝ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਸਿਉ ਨੇਹ੝ ਤਿਸ੝ ਆਗੈ ਮਰਿ ਚਲੀਝ

Thanks!:AaOo Sikhi. V^diYy

AaOo Simple Sikha nu Khalsiat vll pryriYy!!

Kha Lucky ji WaKaFa!

Amita's Father Col Rajender Singh here. I spoke to u on mobile from Hydrabad. Since I have retired i have no security constraints any more. You must have guessed through my writings that I am working to help the people living in villages. Trying to fight our battle against Falsehood. I saw your updation on Creative Khalsa Singhs which guided me to share my Sikhi through this mail with You. They are primarily poor Sikhs living in villages. Permit me to seek your help to bring up this Page. Ask me whatever you want to . My landline No is 27313653.

I am committed to develop an on line conceptual school exclussively for Creative Khalsa Singhs. It was u who motivated me to do this parchar of Sikhi through our local commettees. Two on groud Schools for Creative Khalsa Sikhs each called SSS (Sikho Sikhao Sudharo) are coming up one each in Punjab & Delhi. Thanks for the motivation. I am jut trying to dance to nanak's tune which challanges all Sikhs to Say the Unspoken Truths Gajj ky. When it comes to Gajj ky part of Sikhi no one can beat Khalsa Singh Lucky.

Premit me to plead before you for the cause of disseminating this message to all who may need help through KSO. We all Khalsa Sikhs must join Heads to reduce the Gap between 'Havs' & 'Have nots. Falsehood is the only enemy of Sikhi . Let us go dash on & punch in all resources.

Only strength Khalsa carries is

  • NAAM ISHNAAN .Pl Give us your mind, association, intellect wrapped in sikhi. On Net i know only one youg Khalsa jo Gajj ky bolda hY.

seeking some krare p^jabe kvesre(punjabe poetry)


Barnstar.png Aslee Taara - The Original Barnstar
"Lucky, Many thanks for setting up the series on Sects & Cults - Yaar, lucky - tu ta kaamal he kar de-tee! Wonderful job! Kaamal-ha kaamal! Well done. I like the template with the many related articles - wonderful addition to Sikhiwiki. Ma tah-nu As-lee Taara paash kaar da ha. I hope you like it!" Cheers, Hari singhtalk 18:25, 3 February 2007 (MST)

Archived Files

m'rea. glla.  ???

Dear Lucky WaKaFa!

  • Thanks for the feedback. Satgur willing, I will for sure improve myself.
  • sb Nanak dea. glla. hn (My words are not mine but Nanak's . All belongs to Thee).

gur f3'h......stay in touch & keep up the demonstrative Khalsa`spirit for all of us to emmulate it. No one can beat Lucky if it comes to being with Khalsa Lucky, who means nothing but business. --One 16:08, 9 August 2008 (UTC)

PS: I plan working in pujabi after about a week

Luckyji !

Mutia Groups' Writings

  • ਜਿਸ੝ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਸਿਉ ਨੇਹ੝ ਤਿਸ੝ ਆਗੈ ਮਰਿ ਚਲੀਝ -I will die for u. Just give me links to my specific writings & I will correct them.

bingi jehe roman english

  • Here after u will never find the distorted looking angrejee.

Thanks for the feedback. Stay in touch.

--OneTalk 03:51, 10 August 2008 (UTC)

Gurdwara Toka Sahib

Bhai sahib ji, Sat Sri Akal

Many thanks for the message. Please let me know which information is incorrect and I will change it. If possible, it would be good if we could get a confirmation of the right info. so that we don't have a slinging match with someone else. A scan of a book or a picture of a notice board would be great. I am most grateful for your help and effort. Raab raakha, Hari Singhtalk 16:42, 29 June 2008 (UTC)

Bhai sahib, Best to get the latest info before we start changing things. The info on web seems to be from a recent personal visit. If possible try and ring and ask or get a written record or please visit as soon as you are around that area. Or ask someone else to do the seva! regards, Hari Singhtalk 00:15, 30 June 2008 (UTC)
I have asked a few people here to try and get some information from a book or other means - let's see if we get a result. What is interesting is the fact that as this was time of battle, many thousands of horses would be wondering in the locality with the soldiers of the Guru. So to track down horses would be very difficult but if it was camels, as these perhaps were not available in large numbers, they would be easier to identify. So, that is why I think we should get some direct proof before we start changing the article. Hari Singhtalk 15:30, 30 June 2008 (UTC)

comments Dera Saucha Sauda

SSA, Lucky ji, i had asked some questions re Ram Rahim trying to see what has caused such trouble. Saw your comments on the page, most of which are in a strange (for me) code i can't understand, but my Gurmukhi is improving - becoming less foriegn.

I see now some reasons for the anger. I saw this when i came back to the jhanamsakhi on the trade his father had sent him to make, hadn't realised that even the name of the group hit home for Sikhs like that.

Good thing that the baba appears chubby, unatheletic, doesn't carry a kirpan, bow or teer in his appearances or practise hawking or horsemanship as that would have ended any doubt about his intentions. He definitely doesn't evoke Guru Gobind Singh for me.

tere parvaardaa kee haal hai? Rabb Rakha. richard

Guru Fateh!

I am garam billa and not thandi billi, as my name would suggest. I chose the name koolkat because of some kool kat who was sitting with me when i was creating an account! hehe! Anyways, brother you were saying something about some trip? i think you mixed up something somewhere. Take care and have a nice day! regards Koolkat 13:23, 7 July 2008 (UTC)

Great job on all the Gurdwaras and shrine of the Gurus

Veerji, Sat Sri Akal

My heartfelt thanks for the great work you continue to do as sewa for the panth. Only the Lord know the true worth of his humble servant but may he bless his hard-working sewadars.

Bhai sahib, thank you for your dedication. May on the next trip to Punjab, the Lord make our wish come true that we can meet and our families can get to know each other.

My words are just a vibration of the air, but your actions are the karmas that have real meaning in this world and the next. Raab rakha, Guru bhalah kaarh, das Hari Singhtalk 22:41, 7 July 2008 (UTC)

Very humble reply. Waheguru mahar karan, let us hope the blessing continue!. Papa ji, is slightly better now. He appears to have a trapped nerve in the back and so walking is a big problem. But, with the grace of the Lord, at present, he is getting 0.5% better each day. For that we give thanks to the beautiful Lord. Lucky ji, thanks for asking. I hope studies are going well or are they now finished - You have not told us. What are the plan for the future - Vayaa (marriage) dha soochaa? Are job prospects good in Punjab? Aap-na kheal rakh na. Raab rakha, Hari Singhtalk 16:31, 9 July 2008 (UTC)

Kimey reha Edinsborugh da trip

Kimey reha Edinsborugh da trip?????????? what were you referring to, i am sure you are mistaking me for someone else or you are joking!Koolkat 15:33, 8 July 2008 (UTC)


Didn't know how to do an archive, thanks. You have improved amazingly on your attention to details and I haven't noticed your apoligizing for your English so much. Now my apoligizing for my Punjabi, well that is lagging far behind. Of course I would have to write some first, thanks again, Richard.

for some reason the plus sign is not appearing on your page now.

seems you have asked this before

SSA, Lucky ji, will have to think on this. I have always thought my religion was the same as Guru Nanak's, Many Hindus' and that of Jesus the way they were back then, before the Bible, the Tohrah, the Kor'an and the SGGS. The Rasul seems to have thought, or his followers think that he thought that he was merely straightening out the 'people of the book' who had strayed in Abraham's religion as he practised it. The Islamists believe in only one God, thinking Christians believe in 3. Yet they believe in the devil -- ibliss and even jins and each has a personal angel on his left and right shoulder that they speak with or reference in their daily prayers. As you make an Anjali or 'fold your hands' in prayer i think that you like i 'see' or gain Darshan from only one God.

Don't know a lot about Shinto seems similar to the Rajput's version of Hinduism with some anamist features. My knowledge on Sikhism can in no way be compaired to yours. I would have to stretch to reach the top of your pair in that matter.

Noticed today that Sikhs in Maylasia were laying claim to the name of Allah along w/ some Christians. Mera Yaar, Christians in the 'land of the left hand' or the unlucky hand as the Arabs call it were using the word Allah for God long before the Rasul was born. Even Danny Thomas a comedian I grew up watching on TV as a child called God Allah-the Arabic for God or as they say in Tibet Lah. Allenwalla 21:19, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

By the way the late Sardar Gurcharan Singh Tohra seems to have been a controversial fellow-- I was taken with the name which seems to be his village's name. Like every name in the Punjab i expect that torah has a meaning. do you know of one for tohra? How about Gur (guru?) charan (hands?).


SSA, the similarity has me wondering about the word, probably no connection, but Toh is good Japanese for East or the Kanji of the sun rising in the east 東 behind a tree. in china und japan the sun is depicted in the kanji as a square w/ a line standing for a dot in the middle = 日. if one takes the right bar away you get an E. We begin with our toes which sounds the same. The little statue, called the king wears the circle (like a kara) with a dot in the center, from Harappa or Mohenjodaro, i forget which, just like those from ancient Egypt a symbol like 日 for the sun, but that 's a very 'deep' subject!

To-kyo=東京=eastern capital. In chinese capital 京 was voiced as 'King' by farangi. Today in an attempt to voice the word as the Chinese do instead of P-King one says Bei-jing. 北京 is Beijing or nortern capital, you will recall that Nanking is southern capital. 北= north, the right half of the kanji is used in the word for death which sounds like the word for four. Koolcat (Garam Billi) tells me that Sikhs do not avoid using the left hand for eating like many in India do. If gas wasn't so ridiculously high I guess that a 'Saturn' auto would not be shunned by Sikhs as it would be by many Hindu Indians. Das Allenwalla 14:14, 11 July 2008 (UTC)


SSA, Lucky ji, my memory may be good but you and your compatriots Hari ji, Sarbjeet ji, Sunny ji (and others that contribute here) often guide me to new bits of useful knowledge. Rin Mochan was a place i had never heard of, what a wonderful story. You have been very busy the last few days the virtual tour is much appreciated. You like the Gurus are a guide to places new and exciting. The experience is in a small way remindfull of the Guru's leaving Gwalior Fort. I have to cling hard to your coat tails sometimes just to keep up. Thanks again. 'Raja', over and out!

Name of page?

SSA, Lucky ji, your title has me wondering over the page. It seems as if some sikhs might be protesting a Gallery opening. Or this might be a museum by sikhs showing photos of the treatment of sikhs who have done protests.

I think it could me over the Saucha Sauda killing a Sikh and photos of the Sikhs protesting it, is some writing going to be added? Allenwalla 21:54, 13 July 2008 (UTC)

Name of page?

SSA, Lucky ji, your title has me wondering over the page. It seems as if some sikhs might be protesting a Gallery opening. Or this might be a museum by sikhs showing photos of the treatment of sikhs who have done protests.

I think it could me over the Saucha Sauda killing a Sikh and photos of the Sikhs protesting it, is some writing going to be added? Allenwalla 22:01, 13 July 2008 (UTC)

Took a closer look at the headline in the last pic. Its hard to belive this is all pictures only since the shooting. None of this is making press outside of India. One here would think that the whole matter had quieted.

Did you know & POW

Bhai sahib ji,

Thanks, that is very useful - Hope we get some great ideas on these 2 extra facilities, das, Hari Singhtalk 22:08, 13 July 2008 (UTC)

horse terms

SSA, Lucky ji, do you know what Yang of 5 Tola and laung of 3 masha and (Ath Ratti bhar Tol) means?

Also what is a Silver Kaathi of horse and a dushaley? hope you can help Allenwalla 02:57, 15 July 2008 (UTC)

Panj pyare

Veer ji, Sat Sri Akal

Thanks for the 'picture feature' and 'Did you know' facility. Please continue to put new ideas there and I will put them on the mainpage.

According to Gurmat, women are equal to men - so they should be allowed to take part in the 5. The gora Sikhs of America do have women in their 5 and I think this will spread as we loose some of our cultural baggage and adopt full gurmat values.

It is clear from the article on Sikh Women that the Gurus intended women to be equal to men. Unfortunately, it is taking the Sikh men a few centuries to completely adjust to this hukam. However, when under pressure, they have allowed women to engage in tasks previously reserved for man - Fighting in war was always a man's job until Mai Bhago took control and lead an army.

So the principles have been there from 1500, but slowly the culture is changing. When I was an infant, I never saw women do kirtan; now it is common place. So the Sikhs are adapting slowly to the values left by their gurus. I hope this helps. das, Hari Singhtalk 19:00, 15 July 2008 (UTC)

saddle blaket Bhaji,

Lucky ji. we have things called saddle blankets a pad for under the saddle. The news reports here now are that many people can no longer afford to feed their horses because of the oil prices pushing everything up. well to do folks kept horses usualy for their daughters to ride. Big SUV are not selling with gas now at $4.10. My little truck used to fill for 17.00 now $48.00.

Please change the story on Dara Shikoh to be correct. Thanks for the help. mera yaar. Allenwalla 22:36, 15 July 2008 (UTC)

Questions on article

lucky ji, is a thagaa a wagon or the beast of burden as written/what is/are a dhagaas and prajaa?/what did Gulcharan Singh write? thanks for any helpAllenwalla 14:10, 17 July 2008 (UTC)

Angreji? sent my questions to myself

Did not understand the name Angreji, wow how fast you in India and me in the states mail would take weeks was just wondering who Gurcharan was and in what did he write the quotes, i.e. why would we list or believe him is he and author scholar? will send some other questions as i get the time to read further. let me know if i am helping w/ the article. It is a silly over retouched photo of the young Mohandas Karamchand Ghandhi. God server/slave / of God chand? of the Bania Vanias. Das richard have to go Atlanta now.


Atlanta is only some 40 miles away, already there and back. I guess when we were talking earlier it was early there, but it must be getting late by now?

Surprised you're still up

SSA, Lucky ji, I had noted that you must be up late working on pages, i was out for a while, i see you've been busy another hour or more/ I live north of atlanta just use that as the biggest town anyone would know. I had seen you and Toufauj going back and forth thought the photo was funny as well--way overtouched in the days of airbrush painting. Good night Rab Rakha, richard


I have always though that at sometimes probably thousands of years ago many Indians traveled around the world--trying to prove this. The Roma are thought to be the people, many from sind, who we call gypsies, they have their own language which is similar to ones in India. Romania gets its name from the Romans as they colonized much of it once. Roma in Punjabi means Hair(?), if i am remembering correctly. The old horror movies of my youth featured the werewolf story of a man that changed into a wolf on purnama? (full moon night). He would go to his mother and old gypsy in her tonga sometimes in the movies. He would always grow a lot of hair and full beard and more as one watched the transformation to wolf (a threaders dream of lifetime employment) only not a custom of the Sikhs.

The word gypsy is thought to be from the one time belief that they were from Egypt and they lived chiefly by gyping or swindling people in bad trades/transactions where they promised one thing and delivered another. The Nazis included then in their concentration camps with the Jews. Last night I was reading of the Sikhs who recruited by the efforts of Ajit Singh ended up in the SS units in the netherlands while other Sikhs were fighting on the other side. I think Ajit Singh's career would be an excellent subject for a movie, much more interesting than N. S. Chandra Bose. His fiery speeches often worked crowds to anger 10 years before the riots that ended with the masacre at Jallianwallabagh. In his book (some of it on line) he recounts how he once tricked Lala Rajput Rai into speaking at one of his gatherings. Lala was like Gandhi a basically peaceful man i think it was his seeing him beat senseless that provoked Baghat Singh to murder. In the explosions in the assembly he had been careful to make sure that no one was hurt, just wanted to make a big attention getting bang. richard

yesterday there was a one reel wonder (old 20s film) (turner network) on Mumbai, the Banias were shown trading camels or something sealing the deal with a secret handshake (bidding back and forth by hand gestures under a piece of cloth?) done under a cloth cover. Do you know of this old practise? I had assumed it was so the buyer and seller could keep their deal secret so the next buyer would have to start all over and couldn't start at the low price as agreed.


Veer ji

ਵਹਿਗ੝ਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਹਿਗ੝ਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ,,,,,,,ਜੀ

--user:sarbjeet_1313me 13:21, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

asked for comments

Hi, Lucky ji you had recently asked for some info on the Romas, dodn't hear back from you. caught this news bit today sending link. Some troubles between Romas and other Italians. sending link. i moght have thought people were asleep, can't tell distance because of telephoto lense condensing space. Allenwalla 12:46, 22 July 2008 (UTC)

link -- [1]

Seems now that roma is being used to refer to any romanians in italy although much hate is directed against the Gypsies. the second story below sounds like Banda Bahadur's times when Sikh heads had bounties on them. Of course the same is going on in the middle east as well. [2]


Organized Rage looks at life from the perspective of the working classes and the dispossessed. It covers politics and life throughout the European Union and the wider world; and rages against injustice wherever it may be found. Organized Rage attempt's to play a small role in encouraging people to fight back against oppressive, intolerant and unaccountable governments and their agencies.

On the same day that philosopher Professor A.C. Grayling wrote in the Guardian that no one has the right to dictate to others how they live their lives, Italy's highest appeal court ruled that it was acceptable to discriminate against Roma gypsies on the grounds that "all Gypsies were thieves." This judgement endorses the Italian government, led by Silvio Berlusconi, practice of having a national register for all the country's estimated 150,000 Roma gypsies and travelers, whether Italian-born or not…

[4] even fingerprinting children.

[5] in this article they even use the word sinti (sindi?)

Sinti a word i had not known probably sourced from sindhi wikipedia [6] this article and [7] should help with info on the Romas.

pls see talk Mona Sikh questions

Sat Shri Akal


Lucky veer ji, Sat Sri Akal

You know when there is Guru's sewa, one should not start debating about it - we should just get on with the sewa. People are always looking for excuses before they commit to the Guru's sewa.

I hope you will agree that in reality for whatever reasons, with the help of all SikhiWiki active users together we have control of the SikhiWiki content – perhaps I can be regarded as exercising the final “control” over the contents of SikhiWiki with the blessing of all other users - just look at the "recent changes" log - together with the active users, we are the only ones who control the content – we almost never get interference from anyone else. I hope you will agree that no one else generally has any input in this respect.

Although Gurumustuk Singh can get involved, he has hardly ever done so and he knows that SikhiWiki is “independent” in that regard. Also, it is important to note that the last main reversion on the 3HO article was by me.

Obviously, most of the gora Sikhs became Sikhs due to 3HO. So it is not surprising if they will defend the organisation and there is nothing wrong with that.

This is very similar to articles that I have written. I feel hurt if someone changes them without good reason and I am sure we are all the same.

I do not believe that it is in the interest of SikhiWiki to "insult" or "denigrate" other “Sikhi related” sites without absolute and irrefutable proof. Although 3HO is a site connected with Sikhi, it is not a “Sikhi only site” or a Gurdwara site – it is a commercial/charity site with Sikhi connection. The organisation has been responsible for the “birth” of many Sikhs who are dedicated to the Gurus. I respect that and for that reason will defend them from unnecessary criticism.

We must help other organisation that are helping Sikhi rather than knock them. So unless these people can come up with very solid proof (and I am sure they will not find it) we will not allow sloppy abuse against any “Sikhi related site” here on SikhiWiki. We need to be a responsible site if we are to continue to move forward – Sikhi is a very serious and responsible dharma and we need to follow that principle.

I know about Sikhipedia – in fact this was the name I used at Wikia in about March this year – these folks at Khalsa press appear to have copied this name! We don’t really need to worry about these sites – they all helps promote Sikhi so its all good news!

Raab Rakha, Hari Singhtalk 15:33, 23 July 2008 (UTC)

Need help


"Singho Dhaende Desh Da Jadon Sahara Nahin Si Udo Pita Nu Desh Te Variya Main|
Mata Gujri Sirhind De Vich Gujri Sama Gujareya Jiven Gujareya Main|
Char Puttar San bakshe Parmatma Ne Oh Vi Joda Joda Kar Ke Variya Main|
Mainu Shahenshaw Na Tusi Kaho Singho Kishtan naal Hai Karza Utareya Main|"
Sangat is bigger than Guru".
Sent father to Delhi on Kashmiri Pandits plea,
then on Sangat's request left Anandpur Sahib,
left Chamkaur Garhi on Sangat's request,
now you are asking me on Sangat's behalf.

even i can see this is way off.

Mata Gujri at Sirhind isn't included nor any mention of the Shahenshaw/Parmatma (great soul?-God?) or 4 sons.

please help!!!!! Allenwalla

Same old same old, whine whine whine

same complaint that was made a few months ago

Lucky ji, I saw this same complaint almost word for word several months ago. i have spent almost a year contributing to work on this site, almost daily i check the recent changes. I have yet to see anyone making a comment or complaint concerning 3HO. I had come across the 3HO article once in a random searchnot knowing anything about the organization. I see that the article which i now can't find by typing 3HO (you have to be creative to even find the page) has been greatly reduced and is almost impossible to find. So no one seems to be tooting a horn or a shank, hahaha as you say, for anything other than what is in the SGGS or Sikh history.

From what i have learned about the organization since, one could only be upset that the Sikhs who were introduced to Sikhi by Harbajan Singh are very thorough in their practise of Sikhism, saw one young Sikh Kaur, an Indian tv celeb, on youtube who was blown away by the groups' intense version (old) of Sikh ways, she being from the Panjab was blown away. Bani, Bana, et al, the full 5K with long bushy untrimmed beards that I usually see only in pictures of Sikh elders (and the young martyrs of the mid eighties). The love of Gurmukhi and the care in which it was learned (not seen in many NRI Sikh kids--even young Sikhs in Punjab--(you say?) had her feeling like she was in a time warp--same feeling i got watching her story.

Seems the only compaints are by people who think of Sikhi as a private club who see so called 'white' folks joining their club, some with more money, learning its ways, perhaps, better than they. Maybe they are afraid its only a fad for the Americans. (pretty long time, if it were) So what if they don't have Hindu or Muslim tribal or village names going back countless centuries, Isn't that why the four doors are on the Darbar Sahib. Boy we can all be snobs can't we?

Since I think that most of us of WASP stock are derived of Desi stock, which in turn is derived from African stock with some mutations along the way (as proven by genetics) where's the beef.

On this site no one promotes anything other than Gursikhism and you probably do more than anyone else.

The last time these people, those complaining about 3HO, said this i asked for anyone to show any such article or edits which had been removed. nothing in response. Raab Rakha Allenwalla 03:25, 27 July 2008 (UTC)


SSA, Jucky ji, in the story on the Labana Capt - it ends saying he use to recite Gurbani every day. Is that what is meant-are we chastizing him or pointing out that he has quit reciting Gurbani every day.

Seems strange? to point out is something else meant?

I tried to delete the Death in the block but it does not go away/ it did say Not Available. As that is true for us all - it seems like a condor or vulture waiting on a tree. Maybe you can delete the word?

To mention death before someone dies seems bad to my mind. If someone was on deaths door, expected any time i still wouldn't include death: imminant or soon.

How have you been? are any of the troubles of Jammu & K, demonstrations spread to your area, saw that such demos were going on in Delhi yesterday.

Sat Siri Akal

Lucky, chota veer ji,

Malik de baksish kaarn, sab-heey chardikala which-na. Everything is well; family is keeping in good spirits - Gurjit (son) tay Jyoti (daughter) USA trip tou vaapas monday eyaa-naa. They went to LA & vegas for 10 days with 10 other family members from UK and North America. They had good time.

Dad is making slow recovery - I try and stay with parents to give them company. family is working together to see even better recovery of Dad. He is seeing various consultants and having physiotherapy and is now walking with a frame. Hopefully in the next few weeks he will start walking without the frame.

Hhor, Lucky ji, don't get disheartened by the problems of broadband - You have done a great job so far and because of your efforts, we have some beautiful photos of our historical sites - for all the world to see and they are available free! Waheguru aap ji tay baksish karday raahn. Also due to your efforts, more users are also uploading photos. This is a long term project so don't worry. We are going in the right direction.

I hope everyone is keeping well in Punjab. How is the family? What are the plans for next few months? How about education/work - any further plans? Regards, Hari Singhtalk 23:49, 3 August 2008 (UTC)

Lucky ji, I hope things continue to go well with the studies. Malik dee baksish naal, we are all tied to His path. As you say, without this sewa, may be we would have treaded elsewhere and found much pain. Kushee ha kay Jarnail Singh vee malik dee sewa which lagh gay-haan. I look forward to seeing the photos from Bathinda area - I have never been there so it will be very exciting. Camera tah Waheguru dah hah - oosha-dee baksish hah. Video is an exciting thing. I agree we should get footage of all ithihaasic places. I will try and arrange to get a small video camera in the next few months and we will add this to our facilities.
The Gurdwara coverage is excellent and the more we add, the more impressive. At some stage, we will need to create a simple menu system at the bottom of each Gurdwara article so that the reader can explore all the Gurdwaras with a certain theme going from one to the next without having to go thro the category. All the important G/W should have this menu at the bottom. Also, we will need to add a location map for each G/W. But these are additions for the future.
Itihaasak gurdwara website naal tie-up sounds very good. What is involved and how will the sangat gain? Sound like a great idea. It is nice to know that your hard work is becoming useful to other Sikhi organisation. The beautiful history of the Gurus can be learnt easily thro these historical G/Ws. Please keep me posted as this is exciting.
If you get time, please visit my friend at Crossroads hotel at Panchkula, Chandigarh. I will send you the name via email. Let me know when you will be in Chandigarh.
May Waheguru bless you and your family. regards, Hari Singhtalk 12:40, 4 August 2008 (UTC)

Guurudwara Nanak jeera photos

Photos uploaded by you

Hi!Hpt Lucky, Your photos are very good. I wish to transfer some of your photos for use on my artcile on "Architectural Lineage of Karanataka" where I have a section Sikh Architecture. I tried to trasfer your pictures but could not do so since licensing information is not avaialble on your files. Will you please upload your photo files on Wiki Commons also so that other users can use the pictures of Gurdwaras as required on their articles? If you have any pictures of bangalore Gurdwara in Ulsoor, please upload them on Wiki Commons. As you know, wiki is a free encyclopedia site. I hope you will do the needful or upload all your photos with a free license as per wiki norms. Thanks--nachhu 02:54, 11 August 2008 (UTC)


Harpreet ji,

Thanx for the message i will try whenever i will get time.


G/W Manjh ji

Lucky ji, Sat Sri Akal

Family is keeping well and Phapa ji is making slow progress - rabb dee bahot mehar hah kay sabh chardi kala-ch vas raha haan. Hope everyone in your family is keeping in chardikala as well.

I have checked the uploaded photos and I will update info from notice board soon. Many thanks for your very valuable sewa and please do not worry about the "long break" - Studies have to come first. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication and look forward to your next instalment.

When I see the photos of these Gurdwaras, I feel blessed as if I am visiting these sacred places myself. So when to visit these shrines, always feel that you are doing darshan for all of SikhiWiki's sangat! Many thanks to you and Jarnail Singh ji for showing us these wonderful G/Ws. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 21:24, 23 August 2008 (UTC)

Hi Lucky ji, good work

Despite your studies, you and Jarnail keep adding greatly to the site. It seems when you get home you must be staying at the computer. You are so busy that you probably never see my questions i add to the recent changes edits. So I thought i would send this one to your talk page, maybe if you get the chance you can tell me the translation for Panditani? Also have you ever seen any drawings, room by room - elevations or plan views, even photos of the Sheesh Mahaal and the staircase on the interior, ect. for the harmandar Sahib? if so I would appreciate your posting them.

thanks, richard


Lucky ji, Sat Sri Akal

Thanks for bringing to my attention the deeds of the chaingang47 - The world is becoming awash with such people who give little thought to their actions. Separation and pride have become dominate in their mind. Bhagat Ravidas called himself a humble shoemaker and said The proud bride shall not find a place with the Lord. so I cannot understand how this person can justify taking this sort of action in the name of the Bhagat and our Sri Guru Granth.

As Bhagat ji says: When I am in my ego, then You are not with me. Now that You are with me, there is no egotism Let's hope we can stay with the Lord and not let our ego dominate us as well, Regards, Hari Singhtalk 13:03, 30 August 2008 (UTC)

Harpreet ji you leave me confused

WaKaFa, Lucky ji, The page on Arains is a page you added mentioning that some arains had become both Hindu and Muslim. The page exisited quite a simple live until AkilD removed any references to Hindus and Sikhs and added a big they are 100% Muslims. A claim that I don't think anyone could prove. I tried to edit it so it made both you and he happy. No you Have an ununderstandable note- ONLY SIKHS NOT PEOPLE SO DELETE THE FOLLOWING PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. are you saying only sikhs are not people as the sentence says or more likely are you asking Hari Singh to remove the page you added because its not about Sikhs?

Here is an Arain that must have dealt with Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

Adina Beg's real name was Mian Rahimullah, elder son of Mian Azimullah. Adina Beg was also well known as a man of letters who possessed the gift of eloquence, on which account Maharaja Ranjit Singh called him Nawab Dina Beg of the Punjab.

And the title Mian is a traditional name used by the Arain tribe (people) I think people was added by Hari to sooth AkilD objections.

You do remember that Mian Mir was involved with at least two Gurus and the construction of the Harmandar Sahib. I have to wonder if he was of Arain stock?

Do you want the whole page gone or just a sentence modified? Raab Rakha.

Did you see the Gigapan photo of the Harmandir Sahib, can't remember if I mentioned it to you. If not check it out you can even see the golden plate high above the Har ki Pauri, with Mardana? playing the Rebab and someone fanning him with a fan of peacock feathers (looks like a bat). You can pan 180 degrees or more around the temple , recognize people in line (if you know them) and even see the Golden fasteners that hold the copper plates on. Question do you know if there is a name for the special horn used to announce the train of the Guru Granth Sahib or any history of it. Was any such horn used in the days of the Gurus? richard

Sat Siri Akal

Lucky ji

Many thanks for your message. It was very nice to hear from. With Guru's kirpa I hope all is well with you and your family.

In fact, I am at Papaji's place now- He is getting a little stronger each day. The improvement is only 1% but we are very grateful to Satguru for such blessing. You know whatever Waheguru does is for our benefit but we cannot see His plans for us.

Sorry due to commitment to Dad, have not been able to spend more time on SikhiWiki. I try my best to spend 5-10 hours every week. Last week, the Asa di var text took a lot of the time and I have to finish the Sukhmani sahib which is still pending. Beacause of the repetitive formatting it can take many hours just to get a few pages done - but the result is very pleasant.

I have done a reply to Amita ji below - Kindly please pass it to her.

Hopefully, with Guru's blessing in the next month we will know about plans to come to Punjab. It is likely to be around Christmas just like last year. Both Jyoti and Gurjit cannot get time off from work - so we will see how thing progress with their jobs. If we are lucky, they may have enough time off around December/January. I will let you know as soon as we know.

Look after yourself and pass my love to the family. kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 19:48, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

To Amita ji

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

My dear Amita ji,

I am sorry to have to take such harsh action but for fairness to all, the same rules have to apply to all.

It is very important that we try our best to present a clear and coherent message of Sikhi to the outside world. To achieve this we have to make sure that we follow the guideline to keep to the simple format for the presentation of our work just as found in Wikipedia.

Further, we must be constructive and we must help to enhance the message of our Gurus. To delete and change articles done by others in a reckless way or without reason creates more work for others. Please if you need to work of the articles done by others then make sure that you do not undo any of their work or make any drastic changes without first discussing this positively with them.

Please - you do not have to obey me - just follow the rules that you should know by now. Read the topics in the "Help" section if you need guidance. Please ask for blessing from the Lord - I am a beggar at the same door and can give nothing to anyone. Only the Guru can bless us all. Please do Ardas to Waheguru to bless all the SikhiWiki users so that we can pass the Guru's message to millions to beings all over the world. Kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 19:48, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

Dad's condition is serious

My dear SikhiWiki friend,

I am sorry to say that Dad is very seriously ill due to a heart attack at 1am this morning at the local hospital and is on life support. Please pray for him so that he does not suffer in his journey that may be left on this planet. We do not know if he will make it but hope that Waheguru will bless him as best as he deserves. Unfortunately, I will not be at home until things get resolved one way or the other but I will let you know as soon as there is any development for the better or for the worse. I thank you for your concern about his well being. May the Guru bless you all. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 22:02, 6 October 2008 (UTC)

Many thanks for your heartfelt messages. With Waheguru's blessings, Dad is still in the same critical condition. The ITC are doing their best to help him but situation is pretty difficult and there are many hurdles to overcome. They say that the heart attack was very severe and that it is not functioning efficiently or pumping the required amount of blood around the body. The pulse keeps jumping higher to increase the blood flow but due to damage to the heart this is not helping.

Prayer seems to be the only avenue open to us. They say they will keep trying to maintain a reasonable pulse and blood pressure to see if the heart muscle "recovers". Kidneys are also suffering due to the low blood flow and not extracting enough toxins from the body as required.

Only the Lord can remedy all these problems. I will keep you posted as best as possible. Many thanks for your kindness and concern. regards, Hari Singhtalk 00:26, 9 October 2008 (UTC)

Again confusion

SSA, Lucky ji, for the life of me I cannot understand what exactly you mean by the last sentence to Dharma and the mythical bull.

I seek a better understanding can you help?richard

Zahar and Zara, zarah

Lucky ji, althought you seen to never respond, or answer questions I wanted to let you know that i can't understand, and all who speak english and not Panjabi as well, the definitions given just now for Zahar

from the arabic and hebrew the word in eng. means morning light, with zara or zarah being a woman's name for the planet venus, the bringer of the sun. the indians thought venus which is the star in the islamic flags of the world with the Dhoul or lord or bull (of Dharma) the cresent moon looking like a bull's horns was two stars the evening and the morning - till it was found the two were the same planet - the word in arabic is also given as Tarik (venus) or he who knocks on the door - again venus with the Sun behind. feeling invisable Allenwalla 19:01, 10 October 2008 (UTC)

hence the ancient belief that a bull held up the sun - and world cows jumping over the moon and sun and moon worship

Body of lies

SSA, Lucky ji, Just saw the movie Body of Lies yesterday. It was a good movie showing much about the war we hhere call the war on terror. It was very realistic and showed the war from several perspectives, with the lies going on between the selafi (who wish all non-muslims dead or converted), the 'moderate' Muslims and the Americans, English, Europeans, ect.

The thing that was most bothering, or at least out of place and then possibly not, as Sikhs often work and take whatever job they can find, was the opening of the film when we see selafi bombers making bombs in a london apt., in a row of flats (the whole block gets damaged as the Muslims when they see the police coming in the room set off all the bombs and explosives in the room).

The disturbing thing is that given all the violence that was showered on Sikhs post 9/11, because of their turbans, the sectet police in swat outfits use a SIKH milkman's delivery of some milk at the terrorists doors a cover for their attack. I hated seeing the Sikh and his turban being added in to the scene of terrorists vs. those hunting terrorists, perhaps there was a real Sikh milkman in the area where that scene was filmed? Just thought, why add the only guy in a turban in the whole scene in at all? Didn't notice if the milkman was part of their trick or if he was killed in the explosion (on film).

I don't know if as a Sikh you have ever studied the Qur'an, but the movie did make interesting use of, Sura 8:12 - I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them, in the final part of the film, which tells much about some of the torture used on the Sikhs in the Mughal, Afgani kingdoms in India.

How are all the studies going, how is your family? all well I hope, Allenwalla 20:17, 20 October 2008 (UTC)

I am sorry to say that Dad has left this world

My dear SikhiWiki friend,

Unfortunately, I have to give you very sad news that Dad passed away on Friday, 17 October 2008. The doctors tried their best to help him but it seems that his moment to leave had arrived. I am sorry that I could not communicate this sad fact to you earlier.

The whole of the family and I would like to thank everyone especially you for your concern and deep interest in the outcome. Dad had suffered from hypertension for many years and although on medicine, it appears that his heart was gradually damaged and due to his age it could not continue to function. The left ventricle stopped functioning adequately and so it was impossible for him to carry on sustaining himself as enough blood was not being pumped around the body.

The funeral is on Monday, 27 October 2008 at 2.15pm local UK time. Please continue to pray for him if you can. Kind regards and my deepest appreciation for your caring thoughts and keen concern, Hari Singhtalk 22:27, 20 October 2008 (UTC)

Lucky ji, piara phaare Sat Siri Akal,
jo bhava kartar ohey hunda hah. Malik dah hukam koee vee, Tal nahee sakda. Whatever happens is by His command. Chotta veer, thank you for sharing with me your deepest feelings of sympathy; aap ji daa piara tay dil-oo bol-aa lavaz are a reassurance for the whole of the family. Waheguru da hukam bohot krarara (tough) ha but we have no option but to accept it willingly.
As you say say we have to accept the loss and mend our lives as best as possible. Waheguru apaa himat davan gah. Only with His assistance can we rebuild our lives and confidence. Maut sabh nu aan dee haa taa sanoo harik waala esda thee-an karana cheeda hah. But we always forget in our busy lives - With Guru's kirpa, we will continue with our lives; Guru dee bakshish dee lohraa hah.
Aap ji dah bohot thanwadh hah kay aap ji na sadaa mushkal-vala ch, saath deeta tay hamdardee pashe keet-ee. May the Guru bless you. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 00:00, 22 October 2008 (UTC)

Added a name to your conversion page

SSA, Lucky ji, i added a name to your page --Bhai Dalla Singh--i think from his name he was a Hindu, you may want to add a little more and move his name if i guessed wrong. Allenwalla 05:46, 13 November 2008 (UTC)

Gurpurbh dee vaddhee

Lucky ji, Sat Sri Akal

Many thanks for the good wishes and for your kind concern - Everyone here is keeping well. I hope all is well with you and your family. Hope you have a wonderful Gurpurbh.

Please keep concentrating on your exams as this is very important to your future. Good luck. regards, 12:31, 13 November 2008 (UTC)

ssa ji

Fateh jio, SSA ji,

Thanks for the wishes... Gurpurb diyan tuhanu vi lakh lakh wadhaiyan hoon.

Sunnybondsinghjalwehra 21:07, 13 November 2008 (UTC)

Sat Siri Akal

Lucky ji, the photos are wonderful to see. Can you tell if the turbans are an old style or who are the boys. Photos clearly dated 1908 or at least copyrighted in that year. Thanks please see the questions on that page thanks. Allenwalla 01:55, 23 November 2008 (UTC)

Sat Sri Akal ji

Chotta veer, Guru de fateh,

Many thanks for your kind message. Saab Vaheguru de kirpa dah naal theek chaal rahaa. Obviously, Papaji dee khaat puree nahee hosak dee, but we all have to accept the hukam of Almighty.

I hope all is well at home and with your studies. Ardas hah kaa Vaheguru bakshish sabh taa kaar-dah raan. It good to see your name on the recent changes list and some beautiful posting of Gurdwaras in Haryana. Aap kismat wala kaa aap ji koo een asthana dah darshan hooe. The shrines look stunning. I have streamlined the articles a little - I hope you don't mind. Many thanks for offering us darshan of these "yadash of our Gurus".

It will be good if we can get the photos of the 5 sarovar in Amritsar. Vaheguru kirpa karan, aap ji dah program pakk hoe javaa - this time! - ay url kaam naee kar daa! perhaps the spelling is wrong a little. please let me know. It would be good to see the sight and keep in touch with the web master. - Sorry found it at: from Sikhiwiki article. I will have a good look and let you have my comments. I have put links to this site at 2 of the articles. I will talk to them soon. Thx.

SikhiWiki taa some 2-3k hits daily honee-han. I have looked at the articles that users look at and apart from Mainpage which gets about 1k hits daily, it is interesting that many are looking for Gurbani files - Japji Sahib Ji is amazingly popular - appears to get 3k hits monthly. I regards us as a service to sangat. so if these pages are popular, we need to enhance them. So we need to add better access to Gurbani and this is one mission. The order of countries is also surprising: UK 23k per month, us 20k, india 17k, canada 12k, Australia 2k, Malaysia 1.2k, Germany 1k, Pakistan 0.7k, UAE 0.6k and Singapore 0.6k. So we need to cater for this cross-section of sangat. We have had about 3 million hits on SikhiWiki from 2005, we need the next 3 million sooner.

Top articles - figures monthly hits:

  • 1. Main_Page 20,501
  • 2. Japji_Sahib & Japji Sahib_Ji & Mool Mantar 4, 098
  • 3. Kirtan_Websites 3,826
  • 4. Guru_Nanak 3,458
  • 5. Guru_Gobind_Singh 3,038
  • 6. Guru_Granth_Sahib 2,250
  • 7. Sat_Sri_Akal_-_Bollywood_Movie 1,750
  • 8. Attending_a_Sikh_Wedding 1,730
  • 9. Ten_Sikh_Gurus 1,705
  • 10. 5_k's 1,212

The more people find out about Sikhi the better the world will become. So the mission is to get a better take-up rate. More media exposure; more new ideas for presentation; etc. Any suggestion?

Regards, Hari Singhtalk 16:24, 14 December 2008 (UTC)


Lucky ji, Thank you

Mutia ji na apnee line phar-lee ha. As you say, Wiki has its own style, format and presentation - If you want to do things your own way then you have to do it under your own page or start your own website. All the wikis are in a standard format - It is the style that we find in a book or encyclopaedia. When people come to a Wiki they expect to see articles in that style. We are allowed a little variation but we cannot hijack the system for our own means.

This wiki is an extension of the wikipedia system - we use their software as it makes it easy to present articles quickly and in this standard format instantly. We do not need to worry about HTML or other computer coding. Thank you for your support, regards, Hari Singhtalk 19:40, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

Sat Sri Akal ji

Lucky ji,

We are all fine here - It is great news that you are at Harimandir Sahib. I understand how uplifting the experience must be. Please do our matha-take and ardas at darbar sahib and ask for blessings in the new year to all.

Thank you for doing the sewa for SikhiWiki by collecting all the historic details. It will give our fellow Sikhs and non-Sikhs the knowledge which they cannot themselves get due to the great distance to Punjab. It will be great if you can get the photos of the five sarovars as I have never been able to do darshan of all these. I hope the camera works - if not then we will have to wait for later.

Please let me know how things go. You have a good time and enjoy the time at this wonderful land of our Gurus. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 04:08, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the message from Harmandir sahib. I have seen the pictures, they look absolutely stunning. Thanks for you dedication and for giving us all the opportunity of the darshan of these beautiful sacred places. Thuada lakh lakh shukar! regards, Hari Singhtalk 17:04, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Photos are just beautiful and as you say this is nishkam sewa. Many 1000's will enjoy these. That is the way of Sikhi. Regarding the leaflets and text, please scan or even take a high resolution photo and email to me or upload on Sikhiwiki and I will OCR the text or get it typed by my wife who is a very fast typist.
the "chakar" you speak about - there is no chakar. You know there is a Punjabi habit - To talk down everything but at the same time do nothing themselves. So you will see that in Punjabis, most people will do nothing for society and they will encourage other also to do nothing. So Punjabi society stays static! If someone does do some good for society, they will discourage them and criticize them. So our culture remains backward. If anyone does something good, we find something to discourage them and will try and fault them.
Lucky ji, I don't know who you have been talking to but ask them what they have done for Sikhi or even for global humanity. I bet the answer will be nothing. These are negative people and I would keep away from them - These are the lay-abouts of Punjab - They do nothing and they encourage others to do nothing! All they care about is themselves. The other thing prevalent in Punjabis is jealousy - They do not want others in their culture getting any recognition - It makes their blood boil.
Most American are happy when an American achieves something in the world. Most English are thrilled when England achieves something in the world - That is why these societies are always moving forward. But most Punjabis are envious when a Punjabi achieves anything and then they will slaughter the person in their media - they will find something wrong with him; he will be heavily criticised. Have you noticed how Punjabis will never praise their own - they will always criticise them - no matter how well they may have done!
SikhiWiki has been clicked over 3 million times; So many millions in the would have gained from this project. Is there something wrong with that. You say Sikhiwiki "de khilaf ine log bolde ne" - Please tell me who these people are; then direct them to me - you have my email; then we will see what happens. Remember Guru Gobind Singh's tuk - "Shubh Karman Se Kabhun Na Taron" - Never move away from doing good deeds!
Don't listen to these people - they are a waste of time. They are only concerned with there own bellies and nothing else. They have no wisdom nor any knowledge of the work of our Gurus. They are bad sangat. Remember Kabir ji's tuk:
ਕਬੀਰ ਮਾਰੀ ਮਰਉ ਕ੝ਸੰਗ ਕੀ ਕੇਲੇ ਨਿਕਟਿ ਜ੝ ਬੇਰਿ ॥ ਉਹ ਝੂਲੈ ਉਹ ਚੀਰੀਝ ਸਾਕਤ ਸੰਗ੝ ਨ ਹੇਰਿ ॥੮੮॥
Kabīr mĝrī mara▫o kusang kī kele nikat jo ber. Uh jẖūlai uh cẖīrī▫ai sĝkaṯ sang na her. ((88))
Kabeer, I have been ruined and destroyed by bad company, like the banana plant near the thorn bush.
The thorn bush waves in the wind, and pierces the banana plant; see this, and do not associate with the faithless cynics. ((88))
Remember, that our project is for Sikhi globally not only for SikhiWiki or Sikhnet or anyone else. All the work that we do is spread into the public domain and is used by other websites throughout the world. This work belongs to the global world community. Anyone can store it, distribute it, etc. Guru bhala karan. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 00:43, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

Sat Sri Akal ji

Lucky ji,

Maff karna, I thought I had replied to your message but you are right I missed it. I hope all is well with yourself and the whole of the family. Everything is very well here, we had Akhand Sukhmani sahib dah paath for 24 hours Sat/Sun at mamaji's, which was very pleasing.

I saw the Manikaran Sahib pictures which were very interesting - amazing how you can have such hot spring in a cold place. Very odd Hindu type practises of the "jathedars" of the Gurdwara. Dakhan which bahot anand aaya. Guru-ashthan dah sonaa darshan ho-gay. many thanks to you.

Website dah stats are here - Special:Statistics, also

last years hit figures and year to date figures are here: Google 2008

Thayai ji is in India at present. If you get a chance to go near Apra, please visit him, you have the telephone number.

I hope the stats helps you. Keep well, Waheguru dee yaad thuada naal ravah. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 18:02, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

New Server

Hi Lucky

Gurumustuk Singh is trying to upgrade the SikhiWiki server, so I would not do any changes on Sikhiwiki until this work is completed. I will let you know when this is completed. Thanks, Hari Singhtalk 15:04, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

It appears that Gurumustuk Singh is having some problems with the upgrade, so I have done some work on the system today but I am saving a copy of the articles as a word document on my computer. I don't think anything will happen now until Monday USA time. Sorry about this but hopefully it should be resolved by early next week. Please make a copy of any major changes. Thanks, Hari Singhtalk 01:56, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
Gurumustuk Singh has had some problems with the web server company and the the upgrade is delayed. Please feel free to continue to work on SikhiWiki. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will keep you posted as to what happens on this front. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 00:55, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

Lucky ji, just noticed your message of feb 7

Sir ji, Sorry I can't read the Punjabi. Are you asking for my contributions? Allenwalla 00:41, 26 February 2009 (UTC)

Sat Sri Akal ji

Lucky ji,

Thanks for the message. All is well here in the UK despite the financial turmoil in the markets. Moosam is getting better; snow has gone away, we hope and temperatures are getting into 10 -15 centigrade range on a few days. Chotta bhai sahib, I am not familiar with; My niece, Veena made a page on facebook which has brought this website to the attention of more people.

If you feel that we will get more exposure via Orkut, please let me know and I will try and set up the page/site. Over the weekend, I will have a look at the site and if possible set up a page. If I get stuck, I will send you an email or message.

Don't worry if you can't contribute often; as long as you visit and keep an eye regularly, that is sufficient. It like a small baby; as long as several concerned people watch the baby and are caring, the survival and future of the baby is assured.

Several family members have gone to Punjab recently including Tayaji; his elder son and family are there now; Jinder's sister is also gone; so we are hoping that our turn will come soon. With Guru's blessings, we are hoping to come towards October this year. I will keep you informed if this becomes a certainty. I will sent you the details by email.

How are your studies/work situation in Punjab? Is the global financial situation making any difference to Punjab? Regards, Hari Singhtalk 03:33, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

help needed

Luckji, Sat Sri Akal

Thanks for the message, I will go through the article - Battle of Hargobindpur and will check it as suggested by you. Kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 09:11, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

Further Help Please No problem, I will try and do this tonight and put "veer raas" into the article. I am sure this will become a Featured article on the mainpage soon. Many thanks for your great work. Its looking good already! Hari Singhtalk 12:24, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Lucky ji. Hargobindpur

SSA, Lucky ji, The biggest problem with the article is that it stTES THAT THE GURU WON A WAR AND CHANGED THE NAME OF THE VILLAGE RUHELA TO GOBINDPUR. IN THe next section it says that his father built Gobindpur over The former village of Ruhela. Was this an abandoned village -- who built it? Allenwalla 05:27, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Glad to see that the east half of Pakistan is quieter than the west half in PAK. Nawaz Sharif seems bent on destroying Pakistan with his talk and calls for revolution. Mr. Taseer has new police rules where the audiences have to get their Darshan of Shariff from 50ft. as the police with AKs keep the crowd back so grenades can't be thrown at him and he unlike Benazir or the Sri Lankans is now surounded by glass walls at least an inch thick (bullet proof no doubt). I guess that last week's attack taught them to tighten security. One minister, Rehman Malik keeps insisting that their was a foreign hand involved, even though everyone else, excepting Zaid Hamid and his ilk, has blamed the islamofacists who burn girls schools, throw acid in girl students faces and behead or blow up anyone they diagree with. The government said they would have arrests of the culprits by sat. (last week), but there are no further reports?

A report said that 35 families (Hindus who business and property in FATA had their stores and lands siezed by the taleban) they were said to have crossed at Wahgah, and now live in Amritsar.

I can't find Gobindpur on the maps did you get to visit there? Has your area been affected by the economic troubles?

Rabb Rakah, Allenwalla 05:27, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Skirmish Of Bassi Kalan

Lucky ji, Sat Sri Akal

All is well here - I hope the same applies to all your family as well.

Many thanks for a very interesting article on Sahibzada Ajit Singh ji. I have made a few minor changes - I hope they are acceptable to you. Keep up the great work.

Guru dee kirpa hova, Chardikala which rahna Hari Singhtalk 11:34, 20 March 2009 (UTC)


Lucky ji, My dad's ship was in Tokyo Bay when the Japanese surrendered.

My father-in-law (co-father) fought through the Pacific islands and was stationed in Japan after the war.

My first wife's father was part of a B-17 crew that flew into Clarke field (the Phillippines)Dec 1, 1941. He was in the 'Death March' and was later sent to mine coal in Japan til he was freed after the war.Allenwalla 00:32, 14 April 2009 (UTC)None of them would talk of the war.

Wrong way Lucky ji?

No I didn't think or take anything in a wrong or any way. I was just sharing with you as you had shared about your elders, just letting you know the way my relatives reacted to the war. My father and my co-fathers were simple men who had no military tradition. They were raised in small farming rural towns. They l like most americans volunteered to defend their country and the world in what they saw was like you grandfather a war against people who were seeking to enslave others. All three happened to end up in the Pacific. My father in law was a GI who fought his way through the islands of the pacific, the other was in the so called Bataan death march, and ended up in a japanese concentration camp dropping to below 70 pounds, he volunteered to go to Japan to mine coal, thinking it would be better than the prison camp as better food was promised; for the next three years he never saw daylight, being trucked in a coal car across a valley strung by cables each morning before sunrise and going back in another coal car after dark. He was blind for several weeks after he was liberated and weighed 60 lbs..

My father was in a small destroyer for three years in the Pacific; the two other destroyers in his group were sank by kamekazis, one of which he and other gunners shot out of the sky falling about 20 feet off the starboard side of their ship knocking several of the gunners in the next ack-ack crew, to his, off the deck to their deaths. All of them were, like many of the US troops coming home from Afghanistan and Iraq, where they see all the good they try to do, build schools, and such being destroyed by killers who daily try to kill them and other muslims to install their brand of Islam (shirk)--al Qaeda and the taleban. They all saw things so horrible to them that they just didn't want to talk about it.

I can't figure what you think I might have taken the wrong way.Allenwalla 21:27, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Sat Siri Akal ji

Lucky ji,

Thank you chotta veer. Sabh UK'ach chardikala weech hann. All are very well. There is some worry about this super flu which is spreading from Mexico but hopefully Waheguru will protect us all. I hope you are all well in Punjab. Tayeeya ji came back from the pind last week and he wants us to go soon but there is a lot of work to be completed so I think it will be near the end of the year when we can plan on coming to Punjab.

Bohot kushee hoee to get your message. Eha idea is a good one to protect the critical articles. We will try and do this soon and keep this in reserve so we can implement at any time. As you say we have lots of new users, which is always a good thing but we may need to keep a keen eye on things.

Does not matter if you cannot add new articles but please keep an eye on the recent changes as I have a few commitment during the day.

It is good to hear that you can find new information about Sikhism from SikhiWiki. Hopefully we can keep improving so that it will become the central bank of Gurbani, Sikh history and other Sikhi information.

Also, it would be a good idea to link SikhiWiki to quizzes on Sikhi. I know we had a user some time back who created a quiz site which we linked from here. I will try and find that again and let you have a link.

It is amazing that we get over 325,000 hits almost every month. With Guru's kirpa may the site have some positive impact on the world!

Please keep well and look after yourself. Guru dee fateh, Hari Singhtalk 02:01, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Point accepted

Lucky ji, Sat Sri Akal

Chotta veer ji, you make a valid point and I am sure we have many articles as you have highlighted. The problem lies with allocation of time. I would like to feature articles that have at least maximum polishing done so that it is one of the best article on the web on that topic. However, please list as many as you can at: SikhiWiki:Proposed Featured Articles as this gives me a list to work on.

I will try to work on these in some sort of order so that we can bring a few of these into the queue system of featured article as soon as possible. Thank you for your recommendation; it is perfectly logical and I will try and work on these more quickly. Guru dee fateh and kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 22:10, 2 May 2009 (UTC)

Chotta veer ji, Sat Sri Akal
Malik Khushi Muhammad has a link through his ideology and beliefs - Followers of all our Bhagats have a link in a similar way. Just like a Gurdwara, if you respect our Holy Granth or the Shabad, you are most welcome. Hari Singhtalk 19:24, 9 June 2009 (UTC)


Sorry Lucky ji, i got in the middle of your page. Was this the seli traditionally passed Guru to Guru with the coins and coccanut that Guru Hargobind (retired), asking instead for 'miri and piri'? please, check the B-40 talk, is this a page from the Janamsakhi? Can someone please read the names on the background.

Is this at the fort or is their a second topi worn by all Gurus mentioned? Allenwalla 20:37, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

What is up, have the monsoon rains arrived where you are?

Seli topi

Lucky ji, Sat Sri Akal

Chotta veer ji, I hope all is well in Punjab. How is life and all the family?

Thank you for the above article; as you know many people speak against a topi for a Sikh and this article was a surprise even for me. Many gayanees tell off youngsters when they wear a cap or hat when on holiday or just relaxing. So it is very interesting that many of the Sikh Gurus actually wore a seli topi. Is it possible to get a good photo of the "real article" from Kartarpur? I think we need to make this article a little more detailed. Many thanks; you keep surprising and educating us. Kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 00:25, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

Dasam Granth

Lucky ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh and Sat Sri Akal

I have not studied the Dasam Granth in any detail and as long as it is Gurbani, I am happy with it. I have listened to Dr Jodh Singh's lecture on dasam granth and it is very impressive. Relying on these scholars, I can only say this must be bani of tenth patshah, in whcih case it needs to be studied very carefully.

Please do start posting these articles I am sure they will be very enlightening. But please make them detailed, informative and focused; we want quality not quantity!

Good to know all is well in Punjab. Kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 19:00, 2 July 2009 (UTC)

Lucky ji

I saw your note to Hari ji, I didn't understand several words, would you prefer I leave your articles alone? Please, ask me to review an article as otherwise I will leave your work along.

Regards, Allenwalla 01:43, 3 July 2009 (UTC)

Thank you, Happy gurpurab to you also.

Lucky ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Thank you for your good wishes. Chotta Bhai sahib ji, aap ji noo-ve, lakh lakh gurpurab deea vadee-aya. May the Guru bless us all with His remembrance and His longing at all times. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 22:55, 5 July 2009 (UTC)

main page main article in inactive

Lucky ji Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Many thanks for the message. Sorry, there was a slip up in the setting; main page is OK now. Lucky ji, in future, if there is such a problem. please email to [email protected] as I get that on the phone. Also, as you are 5 hours ahead of UK time, you will probably see these problems first. Many thanks again, Hari Singhtalk 17:38, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

Sad to hear about Jarnail Singh; please add to his article and we will highlight this on the main page; it is unbelievable that it took his employer 3 months to take this action. Why not do it straight away if you think it is wrong. Politics is indeed a dirty game! Please ask Jarnail Singh to write some Sikhi article for us. He can email to me at my email. Thanks, Hari Singhtalk 18:33, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

sat shri akaal sir ji

how are you hope everything's fine.

Sir i am writing and article on Guru Nanak & Shamsis, i have followed various books and internet too, after that i am creating this article. I am writing whole the article as an idea help me in peoper translation and grammer. thanks (Lucky 17:59, 15 July 2009 (UTC))

Solar eclipse

Sat Siri Akaal Ji, Lucky ji, I wish I was there so if the clouds permit, for in a few hours the biggest solar eclipse will happen, though some no longer believe in superstition it would still be an interesting sight. Here is a link on the article in the NY Times [[8]]. Delhi to Patna is apparently the line to be on to see the eclipse.

Rab Rakha, Allenwalla 03:31, 22 July 2009 (UTC)


When i read this, i see it as a Hindu claim that Guru Nanak was an avatar of Vishnu. Like the Sanatanan Sikhs who include Sikhs as a branch of Hinduism, so I was surprised to see the statement here. Allenwalla 08:30, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Sat Siri Akal ji

Lucky ji, Guru dee fateh,

Bhai sahib, Guru dee kirpa dey naal, sab etha we chardikala which haa. Hope all is well with you and the family. pita shri jinu we nearly 1 year hoon vala han on 17 October.

Thanks for the message. Yes, I agree the site "Historical Gurdwaras" looks very good; thanks for bring to my attention; I have created a link to the site. I also watch a few of the videos which are very nice. Say congratulation to Bhai sahib ji for a well deserving site.

Also many thanks for the great work that you have been doing bring new articles to the site. I know some "clearing of the English" needs to be done but I think Bhai sahib Allenwalla and I will try and do this as soon as we can; please carry on the great work. das, Hari Singhtalk 13:18, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Thanks you confirmed what I thought

Thanks and hello. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh, I will have to go back to the page that was saying that Guru Nanak was an Avatar of Vishnu and do some editing. Allenwalla 17:17, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Sorry that you missed the eclipse, while you were sleeping the moon and sun put on quite a spectacle, thanks to video we can all see it, many of those who still believe in superstitions even paid more than USD 1,500 to fill a jet to have a cloudless view. For all their money they still got to see the eclipse on individual tv screens as only one side would have been able to see the event, that video is also on youtube today. Amazingly both Hindus in India and Muslims in Packistan were photographed with their paralyzed children up to their necks in sand. Old superstitions die very, very slowly (if they ever do). I guess it doesn't hurt to hedge ones bets. (don't know how well that one translates.

So far, today I have seen no reports of miraculous cures.

Many people have been doing silly -user creation logs lately (even wishing death on the people of the neighboring country), maybe its the full moon or school is out or people are just silly.

Raab Raakha, Allenwalla 17:17, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Captain Fateh Singh

Luckyji, I left some questions on talk pages of Captain Fateh Singh. Can you help? Allenwalla 12:18, 2 August 2009 (UTC)

Captain Fateh Singh

Gurfeteh, Kucky ji, I left a few questions in the discussion page Allenwalla 05:21, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Battle of Gurusar

Bhai sahib Lucky ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Great work as always. I have made a start on checking the article and it is very interesting reading. Please continue to enlighten us on the historical text relating to the history of the Gurus and others. Regards and many thanks, Hari Singhtalk 22:49, 5 August 2009 (UTC)


Sat Sri Akal Ji

Thanks for adding pictures to my articles Gurdev Singh Debu, Manbir Singh Chaheru and General Labh Singh.

Can you please add pictures in my other articles, namely Navneet Singh Khadian, Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha etc. Sukhdev Singh Babbar is already showing a pic, but it will be nice if we could add his dead body's pic as well.

I want to add the same in wikipedia but I am comming across copyright issues, I will appreciate if you could help in this issue as well. --Singh6 19:19, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

Gyan Parbodh

Lucky ji, in the line - omprises two independent pans. Is pan a word in punjabi meaning parts or is this a OCR error, that should read p a r t s. thanks for your help. Allenwalla 16:30, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Old monuments and research into Guru's life

Chotta veer, Aa-hay ja-Vaab ta hah! this is the reply!

Feekar nahee karna - jaali English or whatever, appana article leek-hee jaa-na hah! Guru's mission cannot be fulfilled by doing nothing. So write whatever you can. Bohot hee-ta uuper ek template banadoo - make a template to say "Article awaiting copy editing" so if someone reads, they know that we are waiting for someone to improve the English.

Regarding Mata Jito ji and Sundri ji, I believe that this was that same person and there is a very good article which I will find for you

Old Mughal based articles cannot help us here. My research is based on Sikh scholars and academics. They understand the Guru household and would have the right answers.

Lucky ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Many thanks for your message. Sabh Waheguru dee kirpa da naal theek chaal raaha. Only the Lord's grace is our protection. Hope all is well with your family and studies. Waheguru baksish kaar day raheen.

I did write to my friends who lives near Kampala but at present they have not found any facts yet. The country has gone through a lot of turmoil and so it is not easy to find any old material in its original place. However, he has passed the request to many people and hopefully we will get some break through!

Das is the only editorial admins who is active on the site with assistance of so many contributors; Navroop, who joined together with me in 2005 has been inactive for a few years due to other commitments. I do not believe that there are any other editorial admins at present. A few admins are only there for control of violation and software & system upgrade purposes.

Tayaji, dee health bohot changee nhee haa. He was at Chahal Kalan in the summer and found it too hot so came back to UK after just a few weeks as he was feeling very weak. He is having tests done by his doctor and hopefully we will find why he was not feeling too well. He may have slight sugar problem, I think.

We would like our children to visit Punjab next time but as they both work, it is very difficult to get time off from work. However, we are trying to arrange a family visit hopefully in December 2009, if Waheguru permits it. We let you know in good time and surely we will meet this time. It is good to know that the camera is still working. If is has problem, let me know as we can supply another one as 3 to 5 Mega pixel camera are getting inexpensive in the UK and this is sufficient for SikhiWiki purposes.

I have read several articles by prominent Sikh academics which give clear evidence that Mata Jito and Mata Sunder were that same person; the two names were used one in the maternal home and the second in her married house as was common even in my mother's time. My mother was called Sominder before marriage and is now called Mohinder. Please carefully consider the evidence before making any changes as this is a very important matter and has some critical bearing on the other aspect of Sikhi. If the sources are Islamic then one should be careful as they we inclined to assume that a man would have several wives; so you must find Sikh sources as they would be more aware of the real situation that existed.

Look after yourself and please give my greetings to all your family. Keep up the good work for the Guru's mission. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 11:48, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Bhagat Bhikhan

Bhai Sahib, Luckyji, could you add definitions - see list - talk/Bhagat Bhikhan.

Also I tried to color the Bani (added - Quoter{{, but I got only the first section. I think the Bani should be something other than black.

thanks, Allenwalla 12:11, 25 August 2009 (UTC)


Sardar ji, please refer to the linked page in today's Dawn -

Sikhs and Amrisar are well represented in the many beautiful pix. The one at Wagah is particularly touching, Pineapples appear to be as meaningful in India as they are in China. A fruit that also has a message or added meaning.

Hope everyone is enjoying the festivities. Allenwalla 18:12, 17 October 2009 (UTC)

Happy Gurpurab

Thank you Veer ji. Vaadaeeya, Congratulations on the happy occasion of Gurpurab to your family and you, as well. Hari Singhtalk 14:30, 2 November 2009 (UTC)

Very impressive articles - Wah Wah kar dee te

Veer ji Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Kamal kar dee tee; very impressive articles - Pir Buddan Shah‎ is featured article on November 16 and I am also reading Guru Nanak in Rajasthan and Gurdwara Sahib Kolayat (Kolayat); Veer ji well done. May Waheguru grant you every assistance for such dedicated Nishkam work for the panth. Chandi kala-ach varsoh. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 20:08, 3 November 2009 (UTC)

West Rajasthan Trip

Veer ji, Adaab, Sat Sri Akal

I did read the message regarding your trip; must have been very interesting trip for you - I was looking forward to the pictures which we have now seen - They look very beautiful; it is amazing how many places our Guru visited and the marvellous work that was done. I look forward to your article on the Guru's visit to this region. Excellent original work. Many thanks chotta veer, Hari Singhtalk 19:15, 4 November 2009 (UTC)

User name

Bhai Sahib ji, Sat Sri Akal

Hope all is well with the family and yourself. We are trying to arrange holidays but at the moment it does not look too good. Possibly we have to delay for another 3 to 4 months; then we will see how the position is. The work position is very difficult and the workload has gone up due to recession and taking time off is impossible. I will update you in the next 2 - 3 months.

It is not possible to change the user name without going through the user himself. I will send a message to the user and wait for his response. Then we can move ahead; if I do not get a response then we may have a problem as it will be difficult to delete the account. Even if we delete it, we cannot reuse it immediately. I will contact mediaWiki to see if they can help override the system parameters. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 17:36, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

Thanks Veer ji for the picture. I will upload this on my next visit to this task in the next few days. Bhai sahib, we are all well and I hope that things are keeping in chardikala with all your family as well. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 22:34, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

Ashutosh Noormahal

Veerji, Sat Sri Akal

Yes, that article is protected. Please let me know if you need me to change that otherwise as per your message, I will leave it protected, as it is at present. Kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 22:32, 7 December 2009 (UTC)

Nasty politics everywhere in the world


Right across the world there is 'nasty politics' going on; the lowly in society are held in esteem while the righteous are ignored. We done get any of the local news from Punjab in the UK, but it is not surprising that such negative personalities are "supported" by the authorities. Unfortunately, this is the same everywhere! Please, do post the news stories as we have no reports reaching us in the UK or elsewhere outside Punjab. Kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 13:23, 8 December 2009 (UTC)

Dera leader

Lucky ji, with migrant workers burning cars, it seems the police (all Sikhs? or most of them in video) were more than a little fearful. I found one video, police shooting a lot in the air, little is seen of the Sikh protestors.

It seems the samagam was canceled and the dera leader was advised to go.

One hurt person is shown being picked up. Terrible that someone lost his life over this and more peoples cars were set afire. I have never heard of this group before. Allenwalla 07:55, 9 December 2009 (UTC)

Dera leader

Lucky ji, with migrant workers burning cars, it seems the police (all Sikhs? or most of them in video) were more than a little fearful. I found one video, police shooting a lot in the air, little is seen of the Sikh protestors.

It seems the samagam was canceled the next day and the dera leader was advised to go after the confrontation.

One hurt person is shown being picked up. Terrible that someone lost his life over this and more peoples cars were set afire. I have never heard of this group before. Allenwalla 08:04, 9 December 2009 (UTC) print story link

Thanks you for the link

Veer ji

Many thanks for the link. I am at Mama ji's place today and we do not have support for youtube/video on the ubuntu machine here . I will watch the video tomorrow when at home. Regards, Hari Singhtalk 02:11, 10 December 2009 (UTC)

Many thanks for the link; I have watched the video with amazement. It is difficult to believe that the Punjab government can support a person who gives the impression of being holy but fails to follow Gurmat as instilled by Gurbani.

Dasam Granth

Veer ji, Sat Sri Akal

Its not a lecture; its only my views on this issue keeping in mind the bigger mission of Sikhiwiki. I do not believe that it is right for us to discuss matters that need thorough investigation without the proper evidence - Someone needs to research the matter properly and in great detail; we need the backing of several experts before we can accept the point. Specialists in the various fields need to be involved in the process. You may have your own reasons but that should not decide the matter; the correct way is to do scientific and linguistic analysis of the documents; historians and scientists need to be engaged, etc. We need to reach a consensus; an agreement by the experts in the panth. These experts should be unbiased and true only to Gurmat - then we will get a lasting result - otherwise the result will not be satisfactory.

We are not a research site as such and do not have the resources required to do the in-depth study of the historic documents. If you would like to discuss matter, the discussion pages are available and we should make use of these but without clear evidence backed with scientific or historic facts, we should be slow to come to any conclusions.

Many thanks for your input. Veer ji, please do not take this as a criticism but as words of advice and words for moderation and calmness. Remember that our mission is to promote the words of our great Gurus; not get bogged down in disputes - so our mission is a very great mission - let us not get distracted and continue to walk towards our ultimate goal! Kind regards, Hari Singhtalk 14:37, 20 December 2009 (UTC)