User talk:Hari singh

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This page was last Archived on 28 July 2006. Previous contents moved to:

This is Hari Singh's Talk Page

 Sir,Your Mutia begs pardon ( not from lord TRUTH) for having gone in 
hibernation, it is some story, I for sure will be sharing with you. Have no
words for thanks to fatherly figure Hari Singh ji, my FFG , who spotted
me when I was shying & trying to sneak in back home. Sir, permit me to promise SikhiWiki ( honorable Hari Singh ji ) that I
won't do (if only Lord TRUTH stays on my right side) it again.

-Mutia 22 Aug 06

Sir WJKWJF! It was wonderful speaking to you over the phone & I have no words to thank you for all your help & kindness. I'm now eagerly looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you in person. I repeat again, my sincere apologies for lagging behind in my duty to Lord Truth & to the Portal that is serving Truth & Humanity - SikhiWiki. I hope to get back in form soon as my father, who was out of town briefly, will be back soon. I shall certainly let you know about the postal rates & the 'Vaaran' in a day or two. Thank you once again for all your kindness sir. with your encouragement, my dream of visiting London does'nt seem so distant anymore. May I request you to wish your daughter & son 'Hello' on my behalf. Regards Mutia 25 Aug 06